
Advisor to Immune-Onc

Advisor to AnHeart

Advisor to Mobcrush

Advisor to MaxQ AI

Advisor to AutoX

Advisor to SocialRadar

Advisor to Vedanta
Please also visit the website of our Asia-based affiliate, CEC Capital Group, for a recent listing of their completed transactions.

Advisor to Local Corp.**

Advisor to ShoeDazzle**

Advisor to WildTangent***

Advisor to DataPop**

Advisor to Schematic***

Advisor to CoCreate***

Advisor to TVGuide.com**

Advisor to SyncCast***

Advisor to Trymedia Systems***

Advisor to mDialog**

Advisor to Club Penguin***

Advisor to mDialog**

Advisor to Vantage Media***
** Represents transactions executed by firm team members while at Siemer & Associates, LLC, before it was acquired and renamed to China eCapital Partners, LLC in October 2016.
*** Represents transactions executed by firm team members while at prior firms.